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Fontana California online Form 990-EZ: What You Should Know

It documents the group's activities and finances, including the money and time it takes to  pay taxes. Form 990-EZ for businesses is the equivalent. Form 990 is mandatory for nonprofits. The Form 990 is based on Form 990-PF (Profit And Loss from Business) which many big charitable  organizations, such as the Muscular Dystrophy Association and the American Red Cross, used to disclose their financial  performance. The Form 990 is only available online through the IRS's free e-file website, which allows a  publication, such as ProPublica, to go online and file it for free. ProPublica then has access to the Form 990 and other  organization's financial records.  A look at the IRS's Form 990. How many other non-profits file a Form 990? It's impossible to say. But what has become abundantly clear in the past  few years is that nonprofit organizations, especially those with the type of revenue-hungry activities that  donors want to support, are in the middle of big changes. For example, in 2012, according to the Charitable  Trust Alliance, a nonprofit trade group, the number of nonprofit applications declined by 27 percent. And in 2014, they declined 27 percent.  But nonprofits aren't the only ones getting smaller and more efficient. Over time, the tax law has changed. The Internal Revenue Service requires all nonprofit organizations to file a tax form—form 990. In 2014, about 35 percent of nonprofit groups, or about 3.7 million of them, filed the 1040 form. Of that, only about 6 percent of them used Form 990-PF.  The majority of nonprofit organizations used Form 990 in 2013, the latest year for which the IRS has statistics,  with nearly 14 percent of them filing that form, or 13.4 million organizations in total. A look at Form 990s filed by the IRS. About the New York Times article reporting on Form 990-EZ Short Form Return to be Released by The IRS,  June 26, 2017. The IRS recently announced that beginning in 2019, it will release a long-form version of its 990 form to the public.

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